I created this website to show samples of my voice in song. Some of the recordings were made while I was out in my Aluminum boat fishing. I find my own voice to have a haunting quality to it and yet somewhat sorrowful like I consider Johnny Cash''s voice to be.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Voice of Thomas Paul Murphy: PLANTATION SONGS by Thomas Paul Murphy is availabl...
The Voice of Thomas Paul Murphy: PLANTATION SONGS by Thomas Paul Murphy is availabl...: "My new Music CD 'PLANTATION SONGS by Thomas Paul Murphy'should be available by Friday August 5th. You may find it here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/thomaspaulmurph..."
Friday, July 22, 2011
PLANTATION SONGS by Thomas Paul Murphy is available today!
My new Music CD "PLANTATION SONGS by Thomas Paul Murphy" should be available by Friday August 5th. You may find it here:
Plantation Album Notes:
Vocals recorded live. Song’s for those of us who feel like we work on a plantation and get whipped and beaten daily. Therefore, they lyrics are whatever they Holy Spirit provided me at such times.
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
About the cover:
These flowers were planted in the flower garden of a health food store where I bought my lunch one day after fishing. They seemed to be expensive looking because of their pretty blue flowers. I looked at them and thought, “That beautiful blue flower plant sure does look healthy and the color reminds me of pretty blue eyes. That is one of the prettiest flowers I have seen.” Two days later I rode my bicycle down to the beach at night. A reggae band was playing. I woke up this morning and thought, “I hope those pretty flowers on the cover of my CD aren’t ones that are drug related. Then I thought, “Journey to Colorado” really tells how I feel about drugs. Then I thought, “I hope people buy this CD just because they see that flower and it is drug related because I will sell more CD’s” And then I thought, “They will hear that song ‘Journey to Colorado’ and be transformed into righteous people who don’t do drugs. Anyone who has read my writing knows that I am antidrug in America. My antidrug slogan is, ‘They give you the drugs and then they try and rape you.’”
Then I thought that the album title, “Plantation” and the flower image on the cover together; seem to suggest I say we plant drugs.” No. The title Plantation means every day I feel like I am a slave who works on a plantation. I am also a body builder and health food enthusiast. To me those flowers look like healthy blue eyes. And when I took that photograph I thought those flowers are so pretty I wish I could afford to plant them, because they look expensive (like orchids) and hard to grow…So I chose the picture too go with the title because it was farm and growing related and I thought, “My photograph had value in it as my songs do also- I could sell photograph like that for $150. Maybe I should not be giving such a great image away on a CD cover.” Then I thought, “They are such beautiful flowers, that image will sell the CD (this was before I thought it might be drug related.) Then I had to make a commentary on drugs, ‘No life of any American should be so miserable that they feel they need to take drugs. Original slave traders fed sugar, today’s slave traders feed drugs in many forms.”
To me singing is a form of cathartic self entertainment and a good substitute for any drug you could take. Here is another slogan, “Try singing.”
About the song Shewood Smoochie, it is a song about a nun who subjectively looked the other way when bad things happened. She had what I would call an inflamed personality- anusitis.
Oh, about the flowers I called the store this morning and Maria who works there told me they were called Sea Holly or Eryngium. We shared a moment of levity together when I told her what my concern was.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Why I Sing
Why I sing?
I am a creative artist with many interests. I developed my love for singing at a young age from singing as I stood next to my family in church. Most if not all of the creative ability I have developed in my life comes from being in tune with nature and others. That is part the Holy Spirit that is present with me and helps form the lyrics and melodies of song. Being in tune with others is a form of caring or love as being in tune with nature is a love of creation. I feel that is present in the soul of my voice. Music is many things to me. Singing for me is often a way to reinvigorate my soul at points of exhaustion. Often this takes the form of retranslations of music or expressions of activities I have just accomplished- a way to solidify a memory of an activity or event. A form of story telling in preservation of what it is I have just accomplished. A way to summarize a day. A way to prepare for a new day by having a last word for one that is fading. A celebration of creation. A creative way to express the soul or spirit with me. To let soul or spirit, with me, join in expression and sometimes; to cast out soul or spirit that is with me. To realize a nostalgia to an earlier time in my life. To cast a humorous light on spirit that refuses to grow and change. To transform soul or spirit with me. To say that I am me? To recognize where there is difference. To harmonize with others and nature. To celebrate the works of others. To maintain the belief that, work is prayer.
Thomas Paul Murphy
My creative activities are listed here: www.thomasmurphyindex.blogspot.com
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
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